We have something in common, dear reader.

Figuring out what’s for dinner.

We all have to do it. Whether we throw something on the stove, heat up leftovers, swing through the drive-thru or place a last-minute DoorDash order, we all have to come up with a plan for suppertime.

Breakfast is usually easy or on-the-go, lunches are packed the night before or provided at school, but dinner? You’ll find dinner somewhere in all the evening chaos. After work and school, between homework and ballet lessons, before bath and bedtime lives the nagging question: What’s for dinner?

As I flip through cookbooks and scroll Pinterest, the pressure to attempt new dishes sets in. And, this is where I can get stuck. Between browsing recipes and taking a kitchen inventory, I get overwhelmed and want to default to a frozen pizza and a bagged salad.

But, here’s the thing.

I have a handful of tried-and-true recipes that my family loves. Why do I feel like I have to reinvent the wheel every week? There is nothing wrong with repeating your favorites. They are your favorites for a reason…Click to 4 Reasons to Cook the Same Things.

Original Blog Posted on Red Stick Mom.