
I stare at a blur of colors,
Time is frozen.

How to go on? 
All I want is to be,
Not do,
Not give,
Just be.

Then they creep in,
Interrupting the stillness,
The sounds of moving forward. 

The clothes in the dryer whirl and tumble. 
The cars roll down the street. 
The coffee drips into the carafe.
A persistent “mama” is softly (and loudly) spoken.
The water rushes from the faucet.
The dogs bark at life passing our fence.
The microwave hums as leftovers are reheated.

Simple sounds I don’t always notice. 

Ordinary sounds that mean life has to go on.

How can it?
How dare it?

A silent tear rolls down my cheek. 

I stare at a blur of colors,
Time is frozen.